Product information
GastroPanel® consists of four ELISA assays. The assays measure concentrations of pepsinogen I (PGI), pepsinogen II (PGII), gastrin-17 (G17) and helicobacter IgG antibodies (Hp IgG) in a fasting blood sample.
With the GastroPanel®-test you can:
- Detect reliably gastritis and H. pylori infection.
- Detect the often asymptomatic condition atrophic gastritis, regardless of the presence of H. pylori infection.
- Find patients with hypochlorhydric stomach.
- Find patients who need gastroscopy.
- Find patients with a healthy gastric mucosa.
Risks associated with atrophic gastritis:
- Gastric cancer (corpus and/or antral atrophy)
- Malabsorption of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and some medicines (corpus atrophy)
Helicobacter pylori infection is an independent risk factor for both gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease.